Saturday, April 4, 2009

my one last letter, for you, love.

Il Postino (Theme) - Holly Gornik

Dear ________,

By the time this letter empties into your hands (Oh, how I love to run the tips of my fingers in your delicate hands, to your hair, your earlobes while your head rests on my chest), the windswept hills of the island have already welcomed the arrival of monsoon. The surf has washed ashore--in the secret beach where we first made love under stars and cloud-filtered moonlight--dreams from another archipelago. 

The birds, to escape the biting cold of winter--like you always do--could be there by now. You know these migrants well. And we called them by names from our hut by the edge of the lagoon. The rhythm of the waves, at this time, could be rousing the boulders from its stupor. The fragments of corals could already be piling up at the sanctuary shores.  

Let the sunset swallow all the yearnings we own, weighing like the seabed, after that last drop of wine running from your neck to the valleys of your breast to the regions of your soul, and to that one, final kiss--in Rock Point. 

I have kept all the letters you sent. I arranged them by date and stored them in a shoebox where they remain unopened. Burn them and take my boat to the tip of the island and scatter the last of my ashes.  

                                                                                              Forever with you,


  1. i love the crashing sound of the waves

  2. aaah...sunsets =)
    someone's awake after swallowing

  3. i wish i could hear the soundtrack u posted here. mute man akong speaker. imagine nalang nako. g'nyt rvs. thanks for writing =)

  4. the persona's body...
    tragic ending =)

  5. Lyrical.

    Sounds like it is written by a Columbian word weaver.

  6. turned out we looked at the same sunset that day, no?

  7. just listen to it live. violin version. HAHAHA
    i signed up for a violin lesson this summer. beginners course at my age! LOL. my classmates are primary schoolers! i fake illness on the recital day para ma excuse ba. HAHAHA

  8. thanks. the great one's muse stopped over in my tent during the weekend. hehe

  9. such a beautiful pain, no? (French-accented "no?" para sexy ba) hehe

  10. oist it's never too late to learn. i took it up when i was in college during my free time and i loved it.

  11. duet nya tag twinkle twinkle lil stars...

  12. ahak, ka romantic sad ani uy. mabuang kos connection. sunsets and rainbows.
